hey nice lady, stop that.

I’m all about being nice. I am, really. Most of the time. BUT here lately I can’t stand it when super nice people ask my questions about my mamaw.

No. I’m not a CHI O. I like owls. My mamaw liked Owls.

I know people are trying to be nice, but really. I don’t want to talk about it.

Sorry. I had to rant. I’m in a weird mood, thus the post.

I went to starbucks and the super nice lady asked me about my neckalce, then of course my debit card has a picture of my mamaw and I on it.

Then she said “wow you must be really close with your grandma.” I mean what do i say back, ummm actually she passed away. I just smile. I mean, I’m good at that anyways.

//I’m listening to some old school indie music and trying as hard as i possibly can to put of modeling this organic model. ugh.

sorry for the rant.

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